Wednesday, March 18, 2020

March 18th Spanish


I will be posting weekly or bi-weekly Spanish lessons here on my blogspot. I hope to get the first Spanish lesson up by this evening.

In the meantime, we have been working towards an end-of-year goal of being able to answer at least 10 questions (5 for K/1) in Spanish. Here are the ones we have done so far:

Cómo estás?  How are you?
Cómo te llamas? What is your name?
Cuántos años tienes tú? How old are you?
Cuál es tu color favorito? What is your favorite color? (you can do this with restaurante, comida (food), deporte (sport) etc.)
Qué te gusta hacer? What do you like to do?
Qué tiempo hace hoy? What’s the weather like today?
Dondé está….? Where is it ….?

Qué hora es?  What time is it?

It's fine if they answer in English or not complete Spanish.. the goal is getting them to understand.

A fun game you can do outside is Cocodrilo, cocodrilo, que hora es? (Mr. Fox)

Have one person be the crocodile (cocodrilo) and stand at one end of the yard or driveway facing away from the rest. The rest of your family stands at the other end. All the non-crocodiles yell out:
Cocodrilo, cocodrilo, que hora es?

The cocodrilo answers (without looking): Es la una (it's 1:00), son las dos (it's 2:00), son las tres.... cuatro... cinco... seis... siete... ocho... nueve... diez.
Whatever time he/she says, the others have to take that many steps. So, if the cocodrilo says: "son las cinco," the rest of the kids/family takes 5 steps. The goal is to touch the crocodile before he says "dinner time."
As the cocodrilo senses the people getting close to his back, he yells "Es la cena!"  Dinner Time! And turns around to chase the kids and try and tag before they get back to the start line.

Many kids have already played this so they should be able to help you! Enjoy!

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