Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Buenos dias song

Here is a fun video of the song that we sing at the beginning of most classes.  You can mix up the responses to "How are you?" or "Como estas?" by using some of the phrases we have learned:


Tengo calor.    I'm hot.
Tengo frio.      I'm cold.
Tengo hambre. I'm hungry.
Tengo sed.       I'm thirsty.
Estoy feliz.      I'm happy.
Estoy triste.     I'm sad.
Tengo miedo.  I'm scared.
Tengo dolor.    I'm hurt.
Estoy aburrido/a   I'm bored.
Estoy cansado/a   I'm tired.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Week of April 13-17 Power Point

Here is last weeks Google Slides presentation that I showed the kids over Zoom. There are some links to games and videos on the presentation so hopefully they can view those.

Please copy and paste this link in your browser to access the presentation. There are some questions: "what color do you like?" and "what sport do you like?" that we practiced.
