Monday, November 6, 2017

Spanish November

I am enjoying Spanish with the  middle school. They are picking up quite a bit of conversational Spanish. We are finishing up first quarter with a paragraph about themselves. They will memorize their paragraphs and be able to speak 8 sentences about themselves.

During 2nd quarter, I will continue to mostly base their grades on classwork and some quizzes. However, their are students who are motivated to learn more. I will be doing some incentive-based challenges that will not help or hurt their grade but rather motivate them to do the extra worksheets/challenges for extra prizes (probably food based... because, well, they are middle-schoolers).  I will be presenting these incentives to them on Wednesday, November 8th. Because Spanish is an elective, I hesitate to give very much homework. However, they will  not learn the language well without extra practice at home. Therefore, I want to challenge those students who are ready.

We will also be doing a field trip to a Mexican restaurant before the end of the quarter. I will check on dates and let you know.

Please let me know any questions or concerns you have.

Thank you!