Thursday, September 28, 2017

Upcoming Spanish Assignments

Spanish students will have their second quiz on classroom vocabulary and question structures on Wednesday, October 4th.

On the 4th, I will assign their long term group project (3-4 people) that will be due October 16th. They will work on this project while I am out of town for the week. The project will be to create a lengthy conversation that includes props and then present their conversation on the 16th. They will need to memorize their lines. They will have four class periods (October 6-13) to work on this so there should be no problem completing. I will be handing out rubrics with the expectations.

Thanks! We are having fun!

Monday, September 18, 2017

First Assessment

We are having a great time in Spanish. We are working on basic greetings and introductions. Today, students will get points on creating a dialogue of at least 8 lines. On Wednesday, they will be tested on the following words:

  1. hola hello
  2. buenos días good morning
  3. buenas tardes good afternoon
  4. buenas noches good night
  5. adíos good bye
  6. hasta luego see you later
  7. hasta manana see you tomorrow
  8. Cómo estás? How are you
  9. muy bien very good
  10. muy mal very bad
  11. así así so-so
  12. Cómo te llamas? What is your name? (informal, to friends or adult addressing kids)
  13. Me llamo _____. My name is _______.
  14. y tu? And you?
  15. Mucho gusto Nice to meet you (literally "much pleasure")
  16. gracias thank you
  17. muchas gracias thank you very much
  18. de nada your welcome
  19. por favor Please

We will not have Spanish this Friday. Please practice saying all your words so far.

** If your student is interested in extra work or wants to try to work their way through Spansih 1, please email me at

Friday, September 15, 2017

Bienvenidos a espaňol!


Bienvenidos a espaňol!

We are excited to offer a Spanish elective this year because exposure to another language at an early age will greatly improve a student's ability to pick up foreign languages later. Spanish is the second most spoken language in the United States with over 45 million speakers. In addition, there are twenty-two countries in this world where Spanish is the primary language. Learning Spanish will help your student appreciate other cultures and more closely understand a growing U.S. population of Spanish speakers. Plus middle schoolers will receive a jump start on taking a language in high school.

Middle school students will have Spanish three times a week for 35 minutes. They are encouraged to practice at home as much as possible so that they can advance quickly in the language. My expectation is that they will practice repeating vocabulary and phrases for 5 minutes each day. We will have little "accountability assessments" every week. If they are listening and participating in class, they will have no trouble completing these mini quizzes.

This course will not prepare them to be ready to skip Spanish 1 in high school. However, it will give them a very solid foundation making high school Spanish much easier. If your student is highly gifted in languages and wants to do extra work to try and get through an entire Spanish 1 textbook, I will be happy to give extra assignments to facilitate a rapid progression. This will require about 30-90 minutes extra per week.

In full disclosure, while I have many years of teaching experience in other subjects, I am not close to being a fluent Spanish speaker. I studied abroad in Spain many years ago and have kept up with a little bit of reading and practice. Even though my accent is decent, I will be using CDs and videos featuring native speakers as much as possible. The songs and videos we will be singing and viewing each week will help them learn the correct sounds in Spanish.

You do have the opportunity to purchase or download the CDs. This is completely optional but may interest those who have super motivated language learners or those who, like me, spend a ton of time in the car and would love to use 5-10 minutes to practice Spanish. Some middle schoolers may resist listening to/singing the songs but it is a great way to learn words and phrases quickly.

If you have any questions, please contact me at 360-485-6293 or


Tracey Sondgroth